The complexity of the Small and Large appliances market requires an accurate plastics raw materials selection.
Adequate chemical, physical and mechanical properties, specific for the application to which they are destined.
But this is not enough. This segment is governed by international standards and precise indisputable rules, such as the rule of the minimum safety guarantee. This rule is indicated and embedded in the IEC (International Electrotechnical Committee) IEC 60335-1:2010 and it is valid and harmonized in all the EU countries.
One of the most complex sets of tests in it are those related to fire safety, to which have agreed also US and Canada with regards to polymer ignitability, spread of flame and self extinguishing behaviors.
Severe tests with clear parameters which do not leave any space to interpretations. The polymers involved must answer positively to such tests with a good level of consistency lot after lot.
The polymeric materials for this sector must guarantee performances at the right level required for the product but also at the level (sometimes higher) indicated by the different producers.