Performing appliances?

Here our ideal Compounds

The complexity of the Small and Large appliances market requires an accurate plastics raw materials selection.

Adequate chemical, physical and mechanical properties, specific for the application to which they are destined.

But this is not enough. This segment is governed by international standards and precise indisputable rules, such as the rule of the minimum safety guarantee. This rule is indicated and embedded in the IEC (International Electrotechnical Committee) IEC 60335-1:2010 and it is valid and harmonized in all the EU countries.
One of the most complex sets of tests in it are those related to fire safety, to which have agreed also US and Canada with regards to polymer ignitability, spread of flame and self extinguishing behaviors.
Severe tests with clear parameters which do not leave any space to interpretations. The polymers involved must answer positively to such tests with a good level of consistency lot after lot.

The polymeric materials for this sector must guarantee performances at the right level required for the product but also at the level (sometimes higher) indicated by the different producers.

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A wide and complete range of compounds

When the technical characteristics of standard raw polymers (largely used in this segment) are not enough, the industry reverts its attention to specific tailored compounds.

2Mila solutions (compound) can match the aesthetic and functional needs, apparently opposite to each other and offer the right equilibrium in every occasion.

2Mila Xvalue® compounds for instance, based on Polycarbonate reinforced with 10%, 20% or 30% of Glass fibres, are known for their high rigidity, very high flatness (low warpage) and very good thermal resistance.

These materials can satisfy specific needs such as:

  • high dimensional stability also in humid environment
  • low sensitivity to temperature variations (thermal dilatation, impact at low temperature)
  • fire behavior in accordance with standards of reference IEC60695-1-10:2016 (V0, GWFI, GWIT)
  • very good thermal resistance (HDT – heat distortion temperature under load) up to 140°C.

2Mila supply the appliances segment also with innovative solutions based on PC/ABS and ABS, impact modified, tailored colors, with performances always in line with the needs.

The Appliances segment often requires tailor made colors, sometimes also small lots of production. 2Mila can serve you in these peculiar cases.
Call us, we will answer your needs at best.

Range of products

Choose the product that best suits your needs:
we are always available to suggest the right solutions.

ETP and Compound

Quality ETPs with the required certifications.
Tailor made solutions are always possible also in IQ versions, guaranteed by our CoA (Certificate of Analysis).
The use of partially recycled products is sustained by the EU Circular Economy Guideline to reduce the CFP (Carbon Foot Print) of applications.


For any particular need we are always available to study the best ad hoc ETP for you.
Contact us for a free of charge consultancy!