2021 according to 2Mila: summary and outlook
An interview with our CEO, Virginio Ceccolini
Published: 01/12/2021

2021 provided unexpected scenarios: how did 2Mila perform and what strategies did you enact to cope with the new situations facing you?
The year 2021 will remain in the history of plastics as the unique historical event for the evolution of the demand towards the supply without commodity and logistic limits, subverting every market.
Europe starts with COVID still in full pandemic but in economic recovery, confirming the positive trends which began in the last quarter of 2020.
The market for plastics transformers demands the availability of products with rational supply and price plans, but in exchange obtains tight allocations on all fronts from raw materials to technopolymers and exponential price increases disconnected from the coupling rules on basic raw materials.
There is no solution.
Asia has restarted without the burden of COVID and requires an abnormal amount of plastic materials, paying the Western petrochemicals unconditionally.
2Mila, thanks to the extremely effective commercial-distribution relationships with Russian producers, manages to have continuity on supplies both in the Polyolefin sector and in the basic ETP’s.
With constant supply commitment, it provides efficient logistics, free from speculation, and updates the sales prices.
The result is the consequent expansion of the customer variety which, however, has always favored the historical core business first and foremost.
Our exponential growth in turnover has been very well supported by the financial solidity that in the twenty years or more of our business has never faltered or been hesitant.
Which procurement markets proved most interesting in 2021?
Aware of the harsh rules that govern the relationship with the Russian market, 2Mila paved the way for the development of the sources acquired in 2019, supporting the three-digit growth of polycarbonate, HDPE, LDPE, ABS and PA.
We achieved this by freezing, at least in the first part of the year, the activities related to the trading of industrial plastics and biopolymers.
However, at the same time we paved the way for innovation by obtaining the PSV certification (second life plastics) aimed at technical compounds and thus also expanding the joint response with ETP traditional compounds.
What about your target markets?
The basic novelty was the inclusion of standard polyolefins in the traditional film markets which supported the continuity of HDPE sales in the pressure pipes sector.
However, the distribution of technopolymers, PC in the lead, is fundamental, mainly in extrusion and compounding.
Have there been any remarkable innovations in the products/services you provide to your clients?
Confirmation and consolidation of the logistics service, which has grown significantly and on a monthly basis, in the long distance abroad, in an equally historical moment due to the collapse of the rules and dynamics of road transport and even more so for cargo coming from Asia.
Which application sectors provided the greatest satisfaction?
All traditional markets have experienced exponential growth.
Extrusion and Compounding for PC, ABS and PA, primarily, with a great structured and professional contribution in the extrusion and blow molding of quality polyolefins.
With what programs will you tackle 2022?
The underlying strategic plan for 2022 is to consolidate and confirm the remarkable near-extraordinary commercial developments of 2021 in the hope that core customers will recognize the non-speculative style adopted in all of our 2021 transactions.
This style goes well with the solution providers label that stands out in our presentations and therefore as such always sees us looking to broaden the product availability front to amplify the solutions.
It is in this sense that we plan to add during the 1st quarter 2022 high quality styrene resins from Asia.
Which initiatives are you planning to carry on with your activity in full swing and to contribute to the success of your clients?
The sales staff of our company will be strengthened in order to create a direct line increasingly aimed at understanding the real needs of the composite and integrated markets with which we are operating from ETPs to polyolefins.
We will give continuity to the corporate efforts aimed at the development of our bio-polymers sector by actively participating in Bio trends as well as in the evolution of activities related to the Circular Economy with PSV (Second Life Plastics) and recycling solutions at the forefront.
We will increase and strengthen our cooperation in Eastern countries.
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