Published: 02/12/2022

2Mila is pleased to announce that it has obtained the prestigious Italian quality mark Plastiche Second Vita – PSV – (Second Life Plastics), with its Xvalue™ Second life family, made with recycled ABS from post-consumer and identified as “Mix Eco” by the organization.
The “Italian Institute of Plastics” (IIP) has certified the quality of the production and, therefore, the compliance with the requirements necessary to obtain the mark. IIP ensures that each phase of the production, from the origins of the post-consumer raw material, to the composition of the final compound, complies with the rules set by the PSV organization.
It is an important step in the evolutionary path of 2Mila, which considers circularity and the lower environmental impact as two pillars of its business activity. The first product of this new family of MixEco compounds is the grade: Xvalue™ Second life ABS 0G95025 Black Ral 9005. A product composed of 50% selected recycled ABS, from post-consumer waste.
This product is in line with the European directives on Circular Economy, which indicate how fundamental it is to adopt post-consumer materials to reduce the environmental impact created by the improper dispersion of plastic materials in the environment.
With this new family approved by the PSV in the post-consumer Mix Eco version, 2Mila Srl once again confirms its commitment to sustainability and its desire to be a decisive partner for its customers.
“We are constantly looking for the best products to meet the needs of the companies we serve. Based on our long experience in the world of polymers, we know what is important to our customers. They like to count on technically valid products, able to compete with virgin materials in terms of quality consistency and, today more than ever, with a lower environmental impact. For us, this philosophy is not just a matter of words, it is also confirmed by our wide range of ArcBiox® biobased technical compounds”, says Virginio Ceccolini, CEO of 2Mila.
The new Xvalue™ Second life Mix Eco grades have been designed to provide the best mechanical, thermal and aesthetical properties, in order to meet the needs of key sectors such as: Automotive, Electrical and Appliances; increasingly involved in the path of circularity.
2Mila’s technical staff is ready to provide to Designers, Engineers, Converters and End Users, who wish to take their first steps towards circularity safely, free technical advice to optimize the transition from standard ABS production to the new ABS Xvalue™ Second life Mix Eco.
The confirmation of the desire to supply the manufacturing market with high quality products is clearly visible in the comparison graph shown here. It compares some of the technical characteristics considered essential in the phase of choosing a polymer.
The comparison clearly and unequivocally demonstrates how the quality of the new ABS 0G95025 Black Ral 9005, Xvalue™ Second life Mix Eco, containing 50% of raw material deriving from post-consumption, is perfectly in line with that of an equivalent grade – for fluidity – chosen among the best known and most appreciated first choice ABS grades, at an international level. With one more advantage: the lower CO2e content on board.
With Xvalue™ Second life Mix Eco it is truly possible to enter the era of the circular economy, without sacrificing quality.
For further information please contact: e.sitta@2milasrl.it
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